Cycle Schemes
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Cycle Scheme Blogs

Revolutionising Commutes: The Green Bike Pool Initiative
The Green Bike Pool Initiative offers a transformative solution for businesses. But what exactly is an ebike pool, and why should your organization consider embracing this innovative approach?

Riding Beyond Retirement: Embracing the Cycle to Work Scheme for a Thriving Workforce
In an era where retirement norms are being redefined, a growing cohort of individuals in their sixties and beyond is choosing to extend their professional journey.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What is a cyclescheme?
A cyclescheme is an employee benefit that allows individuals to save money on a new bike and related accessories by paying through salary sacrifice.
How does a cyclescheme work?
Employees choose an ebike and accessories, and the cost is deducted from their salary over a specified period, usually 12 to 48 months depending on the scheme provider.
What are the benefits of participating in a cyclescheme?
Employees save money on the cost of an ebike and accessories, promote a healthier lifestyle, and reduce their carbon footprint.
Who is eligible for a cyclescheme?
Most employees are eligible, but it depends on the specific policies of the employer. Check with your HR department for eligibility criteria.
Can I choose any bike through a cyclescheme?
Yes any of our e-bikes are eligable to be purchased through the cycleschemes, the only limitation is your company bike scheme limit.
Are electric bikes included in cycleschemes?
Yes, all cycleschemes we work with include electric bikes, promoting sustainable and efficient commuting options.
What happens at the end of the cyclescheme agreement?
Employees usually have three options depending on their scheme: return the bike, purchase it at a fair market value, or extend the agreement and get a new ebike.
Can I participate in a cyclescheme if I'm self-employed?
Typically, cycleschemes are designed for employees being paid on a PAYE basis, so self-employed individuals may not be eligible. However, if your are the company director and are paid through the PAYE system you can join. Check with scheme providers for specific policies.
For individuals that are not eligable you may find leasing an eBike through BikeFlex flexible leasing a good alternative.
How does the salary sacrifice affect income tax?
Salary sacrificed for a cyclescheme is exempt from income tax and National Insurance contributions, leading to potential savings for the emloyee and employer.
Is there a limit on the value of the bike and accessories I can choose?
Yes, there is usually a maximum value limit for the ebike and accessories covered by cycleschemes, this is often decided by the employer.
Can I participate in a cyclescheme more than once?
Yes you can, In many cases, employees can participate in cycleschemes multiple times, subject to their employers policies.
What happens if I leave my job during the cyclescheme agreement?
Depending on the cyclescheme, you may either need to pay the remaining balance or transfer the agreement to your new employer.
Can I use a cyclescheme for a bike for recreational purposes?
Cycleschemes are primarily intended for commuting, but some schemes may allow bikes for recreational use within certain guidelines.
Do I have to insure my new bike?
e-Bike Barns view is that it's imperative that the bike is insured - wording to this effect is included in the Hire Agreements. If the bike is stolen you will remain liable for the hire payments and potentially an ownership fee too. In addition, if you cannot ride the bike to work (because it's been stolen) you will no longer be eligible for the tax-efficient savings.
Who is responsible for maintenance of the bike?
Although for the majority of the time you may not technically own the bike, it is for all intents and purposes yours to use and is very much in your care, as a result, it is your responsibility to ensure your bike is maintained and safe to ride.
How do I find out if my employer offers a cyclescheme?
Check with your HR department or visit the cyclescheme provider's website to see if your employer is enrolled in a cyclescheme. We are always happy to assist you or your employer should you need any help getting setup.
What Cycles Schemes does e-Bike Barn work with?
Need more help? Our team are always available to assist you please call us on +44 [0]1491 628711 or email us